West Drayton 

We are situated in The Yiewsley and West Drayton Community Centre. We are registered up to 28 children per session. We cater for the needs of children aged between 2 and 5 years. We are open between the hours of 8-5.45. We have half day sessions available: AM sessions are 8-12.45 and PM sessions are 1-5.45 and a full day sessions are 8-5.45. We do also cater for holiday club children during school holidays.

We passionately believe in children learning through play and encourage them to be creative. We do this by planning around the child's individual interests and needs, with 50% of their learning taking part outside in our garden area. The children have natural resources where they can use their imaginations. Being within our lovely inviting community centre we also have access to  large halls for physical activities. We plan with The Early Years Foundation Stage and promote all areas of development within our nursery and our garden area. We encourage the children to be as independent as they can to get them ready for big school.

We promote independence at meal times, children pouring own drinks and choosing own cutlery. We have developed a great working relationship with the local children centre who we work closely with. Please feel free to give us a call or pop in at any time to visit the nursery. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kiddiecare Nursery, Yiewsley & West Drayton Community Centre, 
Harmondsworth Road, West Drayton, UB7 9JL

Tel No: 01895 436810
Email: westdrayton@kiddiecarenurseries.co.uk
Opening hours: Full and half day sessions: 8am-6pm

Rachel Payne
Nursery manager,
Ofsted Registration: EY485860
Latest Ofsted Inspection: April 2023
Rating: 'GOOD'
Link: Ofsted Report


For all general enquiries, please contact headoffice@kiddiecarenurseries.co.uk